Madison Mutual Insurance Company is committed to policyholder satisfaction by providing quality products and services at competitive prices, while achieving an adequate rate of return on capital and being a constructive corporate citizen.
In our day to day operations, we endeavor to:
- Deliver products and services that are cost effective and superior in value by understanding and responding to policyholder needs.
- Earn a competitive return on capital in order to justify continued confidence in Madison Mutual Insurance Company.
- Optimize productivity through proper use of human resources, capital, material, and technology.
- Create a work environment that encourages efficiency and productivity through employee participation, recognition of exceptional performance, competitive compensation, benefits, and other conditions of employment.
- Provide a climate for job challenge and satisfaction, personal growth, and career progress.
- Maintain high ethical standards in the conduct of our business, strictly adhere to all applicable rules and regulations for protection of the insurance consumer, and take an active part in public welfare activities through employee participation in community service and by corporate philanthropy.
Our cornerstones for success are: on-going strategic and operations planning; qualified people properly motivated, working as a team, knowing the result by which their individual performance will be measured; and conduct of business with integrity and in an ethical manner.